midnight club la complete edition car list
Map: Collectable Barrel Locations
Easy collectibles
Enter the race editor, and press Start to enter the overhead view layout. Press LB, LT, click Left Analog-stick, press RB, click Right Analog-stick, press A to create a race with a checkpoint containing up to 30 collectibles you have not already obtained. Test the race to collect them all. If you are still missing collectibles, delete the checkpoints, and enter the code again.
You can either get it on the Playstation Store as DL content, or you can buy the Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Edition which is retailing for around $30 now. Here are my preferences: Muscle: Chevelle SS. Not the best, but sure shows you some power off the line, and with some time behind the wheel, you'll be whipping it around like a tuner. Play an exclusive demo featuring the Midnight Club Los Angeles Saleen 302E and win limited merchandise at the Rockstar Games Midnight Club Los Angeles booth, only at select DUB shows. Midnight Club Los Angeles is the only video game to feature cars customized by DUB Magazine. Midnight Club Los Angeles. Coming October 7 2008.
Cheat mode
Find the indicated numbers of hidden Rockstar barrels (collectables) to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Enabling a cheat will stop your progress in Career mode and disable the earning of money and reputation from races.
- Unlimited Nitro: 10 barrels
- Never Damage Out: 20 barrels
- Unlimited Special Abilities: 30 barrels
- Top Down View: 40 barrels
- No Police: 50 barrels
- No Fines: 60 barrels
Infinite money
Successfully complete Career mode.
Karol Garage partner mission
Get the 'Idol' rank (33,500 Reputation) to unlock the Karol Garage partner mission.
Hydraulics and air bags
To unlock hydraulics and air bags, you must join the Rockstar Social Club, link to your Gamertag, then complete four of the twelve 'Driving Test' achievements listed on the website. Doing so will unlock hydraulics/air bags for your Gamertag, even if you completely restart the game. If you already have four of the achievements completed, just joining the Rockstar Social Club and linking your Gamertag will unlock the hydraulics and air bags.
Vehicle groups
Reach the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding vehicle group:
- Group 2: Get the 'Student Driver' rank (2,000 Reputation).
- Group 3: Get the 'Racer' rank (8,060 Reputation).
- Group 4: Get the 'Champion' rank (16,500 Reputation).
Performance upgrades
Reach the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding performance upgrade:
- Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 1 vehicles: Get the 'Navigator' rank (800 Reputation).
- Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 2 vehicles: Get the 'Driver' rank (5,600 Reputation).
- Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 3 vehicles: Get the 'Elite Racer' rank (13,700 Reputation).
- Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 4 vehicles: Get the 'Savant' rank (22,760 Reputation).
- Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 1 vehicles: Get the 'Rookie' rank (3,610 Reputation).
- Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 2 vehicles: Get the 'Veteran' rank (10,760 Reputation).
- Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 3 vehicles: Get the 'Legend' rank (19,540 Reputation).
- Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 4 vehicles: Get the 'Hero' rank (26,160 Reputation).
Custom items
Participate in the indicated number of races for a specific vehicle class to unlock the corresponding item that can be customized for that particular class (Tuners, Muscles, Luxury, Exotics, or Superbikes):
- Blowers: 45 races
- Car headlights: 36 races
- Car spoilers: 18 races
- Car stereos: 27 races
- Exhausts: 45 races
- Front bumpers: 9 races
- Front seats: 27 races
- Hoods: 36 races
- Intercoolers: 45 races
- Motorcycle bowls: 36 races
- Motorcycle tails: 18 races
- Motorcycle tanks: 27 races
- Post gauges: 27 races
- Rear bumpers: 18 races
- Skirts: 9 races
- Steering wheels: 27 races
- Taillights: 36 races
- Widebody kits: 45 races
Free parts
Use the following trick to get free parts without completing the game. Go to 'Garage', and select 'Customize Your Car'. Go to 'Performance Parts', and press X to auto upgrade. This will check off all parts you can put on. Do not press A. After you press X, press Xbox 360 Guide. Go to your friends list, and join someone's session. Note: You can also go to the recent players list for a better chance of finding someone playing online. When asked if you want to start a multiplayer match, select 'OK'. When you get on the street, you will have the parts installed with no money deducted from your bank. This also works on any interior or exterior part, but the process is slightly longer to make the car you want. For example, highlight 'Front Bumper', then press X. Go to the bumper you want, and press Xbox 360 Guide. Join someone's game, and when you roll out of the garage, you will have that bumper. Quit the multiplayer game, return to the garage, and get any other part desired by doing the same thing.
Note: This trick only works on cars that can have side pipes (muscle cars). Use the following trick to get free side exhaust pipes. Enter the garage, and select a desired muscle car that can have side pipes. Go to 'Customize Car', 'Side', and 'Side Exhaust'. Highlight the desired exhaust, and press B. Go back to 'Side Exhaust', and the chosen pipes will now be $0.
Easy rank and money
Go to Arcade mode, and set the AI to 'Easy', traffic to 'None', and disable power-ups. To earn money, make sure you do not finish in last place.
Getting rid of police
Use the following trick to get rid of the police when doing a race. Finish the race, and enable the 'No Police' cheat, then turn it off again. The police will disappear, and it will not have any effect on what you do afterward.
Catching freeway racer
When you see a red target far away on the map, enable the 'No Damage' and 'Unlimited Nitro' cheats to reach them quickly. Then, turn off both cheats once you are about to race him to keep your reputation and money intact.
In both offline and online game modes, you can teleport around the map by entering the race editor, switching out of 'drive and drop' mode, moving the pointer to where you want to go, then going back to 'drive and drop' mode, and exiting the creator. You will be where you ended the race editor.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Wanted Man (10 points): Pull over while the police are in 'pull over' mode, then drive away during the ticketing cutscene.
- Out On Bail (10 points): Evade the police successfully when they are in pursuit.
- Neither Bird nor Plane (10 points): Travel 1020 feet in a single jump.
- Jordan Jumpman (10 points): Spend more than 10 minutes in the air. Brought to you by Jordan Brand.
- Unicycle (20 points): Drive a cumulative total of 50 miles while doing a wheelie on a motorcycle.
- Just Get A Motorcycle (20 points): In a car, drive a cumulative total of 50 miles on 2 wheels.
- Hear me Roar! (20 points): Unlock Level 3 Roar.
- Anger Management (20 points): Unlock Level 3 Agro.
- Set To Stun (20 points): Unlock Level 3 EMP.
- Zoning Out (20 points): Unlock Level 3 Zone.
- In the Lap of.. (20 points): Beat the Luxury Champ.
- Name that Tune (20 points): Beat the Tuner Champ.
- World's Strongest (20 points): Beat the Muscle Champ.
- Two Wheels of Fury (30 points): Beat the Motorcycle Champ.
- How Exotic (30 points): Beat the Exotic Champ.
- The Basics (10 points): Complete one of the missions you receive in the mission log.
- What's a Speed Limit? (20 points): Win 15 dynamic freeway races.
- Streaker (20 points): Win 5 races in a row offline.
- Winning With Less (20 points): Win 10 races on a motorcycle.
- Go on Green (20 points): Win 15 Red Light Races.
- Destroyer of Worlds (20 points): Successfully destroy 15 opponent vehicles using the Payback vehicle at the Beaches garage.
- Here for a Pickup (20 points): Successfully deliver 15 vehicles out of the Hollywood garage.
- Father Time (30 points): Completely unlock a time trial by completing all 3 missions.
- Uncle Time (20 points): Finish the first mission for each of the 4 time trials.
- Competitive Glory (20 points): Win each of the 4 tournaments at least one time.
- It's How You Play The Game (30 points): Finish 300 offline races. Winning is not required.
- The Winner (30 points): Win 180 offline races.
- Rags To Riches (30 points): Have $1 million dollars in the bank while playing in Los Angeles.
- Have Car, Will Travel (30 points): Drive a total of 5,000 miles, including any miles driven online or offline.
- Getting Off the Bench (10 points): Enter an online cruise and join a proposed race.
- Who Made This? (10 points): Enter a Race Editor Race online.
- Saving Los Angeles (10 points): Enter the Race Editor, create a race, and then save it.
- Paparazzi (10 points): Save 16 photos to your photo album.
- T-Mobile myFaves (10 points): Join an online game with 5 of your friends. Stay Connected with MyFaves from T-Mobile.
- Turn in the Work (10 points): Submit a vehicle to Rate My Ride.
- Everyone's a Critic (20 points): Rate 25 rides online.
- Crossing the Line (20 points): Finish 50 races online.
- Master Thief (30 points): Steal 80 flags while playing Capture the Flag or other battle matches.
- Postman (30 points): Deliver 100 flags in Capture the Flag or other battle matches.
- Ranking Up (30 points): Win 20 ranked matches online.
- Where in the World? (10 points): Find half of the collectables in Los Angeles.
- Waldo's Still Missing (40 points): Find all the collectables in Los Angeles.
- Retire the Master (50 points): Beat the City Champ.
- Mild Dedication (10 points): In Goal Attack, complete every goal for one race.
- True Dedication (100 points): All Goal attacks must be unlocked and every goal for every race completed.
The following achievements require the 'South Central' bonus downloadable content:
- Been there, Done that (50 points): Finish the South Central career.
- Brother Time (20 points): Complete the 3 missions for the South Central time trial.
- Easier than the Hills (20 points): Complete the South Central tournament.
- Goin' South (10 points): Meet the South Central Mechanic.
- GOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!!! (60 points): Finish all South Central Goal Attacks.
- Low Ballin' (20 points): Win 10 races in a Low Rider.
- Money for nothing (20 points): Complete the South Central Wager Mission.
- Sign Here (20 points): Complete 10 deliveries in South Central.
- South Central Test Drive (10 points): Win 10 races in an SUV.
Midnight Club II Multiplayer Demo
The public demo of Midnight Club II, the exciting racing game from Rockstar Games, is now available. The demo includes 3 vehicles, the popular L.A. level, and 4 modes of play. Online play is available for up to 8 players. Try what FilePlanet Subscribers have been enjoying.
Important Notes
: This exclusive demo preview is protected by the FilePlanet Preview System. A preview is an advance look at a game before the public can try it. The FilePlanet Preview System protects the preview by verifying that only the intended audience can participate. You MUST use a registration KEY during the installation, and you MUST be connected to the Internet when you first run the game. If you use a Firewall, please disable it before you run the game for the first time.
M i d n i g h t C l u b I I
Thank you for purchasing Midnight Club II.
This ReadMe contains useful information and troubleshooting tips.
Midnight Club II uses and requires Microsoft DirectX 9.0.
Supported Operating Systems are:
Windows 98
Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Millennium
Windows 2000 Professional (Workstation) plus Service Pack 3
Windows XP (Home and Professional) plus Service Pack 1
The following operating systems are NOT supported:
Windows 95 (any version)
Windows NT (any version)
Minimum Hardware Requirements
800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon
or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor
128 MB of RAM
4 speed CD / DVD drive
1400 MB of free hard disk space
32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers
('GeForce2'/'Radeon 8500' or better)
Sound Card
Recommended Hardware Requirements
Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor
256(+) MB of RAM
16 speed CD / DVD drive
1600 MB of free hard disk space
64(+) MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers
('GeForce 3' / 'Radeon 9000' or better)
DirectX compatible sound card with surround sound
Gamepad (USB or Joystick Port)
Insert Midnight Club II disc one ('INSTALL' disc) into the CD /
DVD drive. If you have Autoplay enabled then the setup routine will automatically
launch. If you do not have Autoplay enabled, then use Explorer to navigate
Midnight Club II disc one, and manually launch setup.exe
2000 / XP User Accounts:
If you do not have DirectX9 currently installed then Midnight Club II requires
to be installed with a user account that has ADMINISTRATOR privileges. For more
information on ADMINISTRATOR user accounts, see your Windows 2000 / XP manual.
Midnight Club II requires approximately 1600 MB of hard disk space.
Save Games:
Midnight Club II uses the subdirectory 'USERDATA' of the main install directory to store
game data. This is where we store your save games, saved raced editor races,
and game configuration data.
When Midnight Club II is uninstalled, we will ask if you wish to remove your 'USERDATA'
directory. If you answer yes, then all saved games, race editor races, MP3 files, and
other user configuration data will be deleted. If you answer no, then all of this
information will remain on and be compatible with a reinstallation of Midnight Club II.
Midnight Club II requires Microsoft DirectX 9.0 to run. For the game
to run properly, it is necessary to have video drivers that are DirectX 9.0
Windows XP:
We recommend manufacturer distributed drivers for Windows XP (i.e. drivers that expose
the user controls for changing settings on the particular piece of hardware), instead
of the default drivers installed by Microsoft as part of the machine setup process.
Midnight Club II requires at least 128 MB of memory to run. In most cases
on a computer with 128 MB of RAM, disk swapping will occur. For optimal performance
at least 256 MB is recommended.
Running Applications:
Midnight Club II has been designed to take best advantage of the available
machine it is running upon, therefore we recommend that you close down all applications
before running Midnight Club II. We do not support the use of CD emulators.
Video Memory:
Midnight Club II requires a video card with at least 32 MB of video memory
to run. Midnight Club II will refuse to run if launched on a machine with
less than 32 MB of video memory.
Intel Celeron and AMD Duron Processors:
These processors play slower than their direct MHz equivalent Pentium III and AMD
Athlon, as a consequence we recommend 1.2 GHz as the base speed for these processors.
Restore Options To Defaults:
To restore the game's settings to their defaults select the 'Restore Options To Defaults' from the start menu (Start -> Programs -> Rockstar Games -> Midnight Club II -> Restore Options To Defaults). Your language, video options, and sound card driver are set back to the values they had when the game was first installed.
Sound Provider:
The first time you launch Midnight Club II, we auto-detect the best sound
provider for your available Sound Card. You can also manually select alternatives
in the game.
Screen Resolution:
Selecting lower Screen Resolutions in Midnight Club II display setup will
allow faster gameplay on lower end machines. Midnight Club II will only run
in 32bit color depth.
MP3 Playlists:
We have provided the ability to play the users own music files instead of the
Midnight Club II soundtrack. Simply place your MP3 files or .m3u playlists into
the directory 'userdata/MP3' located in the directory in which you installed
Midnight Club II. Your MP3's and playlists show up as new music selections
in the pause audio menu.
6) Networking
Routers and Firewalls
MC2 uses the following ports in networked mode. If your PC is running behind a firewall, these must remain functional:
· TCP connections with destination ports 27900, 27901, and 28910.
· All outgoing UDP packets
· All incoming UDP packets destined for port 9741
Routers and Firewalls with Network Address Translation
Network Address Translation (also known as "NAT" or "Connection Sharing") is a technique used by many firewalls to allow multiple computers behind the firewall to appear as a single computer from outside the firewall. This provides added security and makes it particularly difficult for computers outside the firewall to connect with machines on the inside of the firewall. Although MC2 has been tested successfully with various NAT firewalls, there are some limitations which may require workarounds.
· Multiple PC's playing MC2 from behind the same NAT firewall is not recommended, even if connecting to different games on different hosts.
· Playing MC2 from behind a NAT firewall may trigger some intrusion detection software, so check with your network administrator if this might be a problem.
· Make sure that your firewall has the latest available firmware version. Check the manufacturer's web site for information on downloading and installing the latest available firmware.
· Some firewalls allow a static route to be configured for particular ports. Configure a static route to your PC's IP address for UDP port 9741.
· Some firewalls allow your PC's IP address to be designated as the "DMZ". This bypasses many of the security features of the NAT firewall and essentially places the PC outside of the firewall, so use this feature only with extreme care.
· Connect your PC directly into your cable modem or DSL modem, bypassing the firewall entirely. This should also only be done with extreme care, since it may leave your PC open to security threats.
Handling Bad Connections When Hosting
Players who are behind firewalls will sometimes be unable to communicate with other players behind firewalls, causing the host to be unable to start the race in a timely manner. In this situation, the host will see a clock icon next to the players who are not yet communicating, or a red X next to the players who have failed to establish communication. The host should follow these steps to begin the game.
· Wait until all clocks have disappeared. This may take up to a minute or more. During this time, some players who are having persistent connection problems may get automatically ejected from the game.
Midnight Club La Complete Car List
· Once all clocks have disappeared and no red X's remain, you may start the game (watch for the "Ready to start" message in the lower-right corner).
· If all clocks have disappeared and red X's still remain, then warn the players (using the chat feature) that one or both of them should leave the game and check their firewall setup.
· If the players with the red X's both remain in the game, then one will have to be booted for the game to start. Select the player using the up and down keys, then press F3 to boot the player. The game should now be ready to start.
Midnight Club II does not work properly with the Radeon 7500 video card as of the Catalyst 3.4 driver set from ATI. With this card and driver set, textures will be corrupted on certain models in the game.
The Xabre 400 video card is not supported by Midnight Club II at this time. Models and textures in the game will be corrupted when using this video card.
Some MP3 files have been seen to crash the game. If you experience crashes while playing your own MP3 files within the game, try encoding the problematic MP3 files with a different program or at a higher bit rate.
Networked Mode Considerations:
When playing Midnight Club II in networked mode, it is highly recommended that the game remain the current application running on your computer. During a networked game, MC2 is communicating to other computers involved in your race. Switching to another application (by using Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Del, the Windows key, etc.) may disrupt that communication, causing your computer and others to become disconnected or suffer unexpected behavior. This is particularly true during the startup of a networked race, from the Frontend lobby to the race start. During this time, do not Alt-Tab away from the Midnight Club II application.
Midnight Club Los Angeles Complete
Video Drivers:
We recommend using the latest available video drivers for your video card. Where
available use the video chipset manufacturers 'Reference' drivers in preference to
video card manufacturer customized drivers or Microsoft WHQL certified drivers.
This means for nVidia based cards Detonator 4 series drivers, and for ATI based cards
Catalyst 3 series drivers.
Below for convenience are common video card manufacturer's websites. Midnight Club II may not support some or all video cards by a particular manufacturer. Inclusion
of a manufacturer in this list does not mean there are any assurances of compatibility.
3Dlabs - http://www.3dlabs.com/
Asus - http://www.asus.com/
ATI - http://support.atitech.ca/
Creative Labs - http://www.creativelabs.com/
Guillemot - http://www.guillemot.com/
Hercules - http://www.hercules.com/
Intel - http://www.intel.com/
Leadtek - http://www.leadtek.com/
Matrox - http://www.matrox.com/
nVidia - http://www.nvidia.com/
S3 Graphics - http://www.s3graphics.com/
Sis - http://www.sis.com.tw/
VIA - http://www.viatech.com/
VideoLogic - http://www.videologic.com/
Motherboard Chipset Drivers:
Please ensure your motherboard chipset drivers are updated to the latest available
versions. Also ensure you are using the correct IDE drivers for your Chipset / Operating
System combination. We have noted better performance with the use of the 'Intel Application
Accelerator' on Intel 800 series chipsets.
Intel - http://www.intel.com/
VIA - http://www.viatech.com/
nVidia - http://www.nvidia.com/
SIS - http://www.sis.com/
ALI - http://www.aliusa.com/
For news and the official Midnight Club II website, visit:
For Technical Support:-
United States:
Web : www.take2games.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-933-9191 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm EST.
United Kingdom:
Post: Take 2 Interactive Technical Support
Unit A, Sovereign Park
Brenda Road
TS25 1NN
Telephone: (0870) 1242222 / calls charged at the UK national rate
(7 days a week from 8am to 10pm (GMT) excluding bank holidays)
Fax: (01429) 233677
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Web Site: www.take2games.co.uk
This software and documentation
Midnight Club La Dlc Cars
Copyright (c) 2003 Rockstar Games.
Midnight Club La Custom Cars
midnight club la complete edition car list
Source: https://intreli.co/midnight-club-la-car-list/
Posted by: blackwoodyeted1980.blogspot.com
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