
Jeremy Irons hasn't seen the Snyder Cut, but says it "couldn't have been worse" than Justice League - blackwoodyeted1980

Jeremy Irons hasn't seen the Snyder Cut, but says it "couldn't have been worse" than Justice League

Jeremy Irons in Zack Snyder's Justice League
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Jeremy Irons hasn't got capitate to watching Zack Snyder's Justice Conference just in time – merely he's successful his feelings on the theatrical version clear.

When Magistrate League was in production, director Snyder stepped away ascribable a personal tragedy, and The Avengers helmer Joss Whedon oversaw reshoots that considerably changed the tone and plot of the photographic film. After a lengthy fan press, the Snyder Tailor was finally released in March 2021, with Irons at one time again playing Batman's creditworthy butler Alfred Penn'orth.

"Strangely, I think I have information technology and I haven't seen it," Irons told Variety. "I shall have to hunt it tabu and see if I have it somewhere online or on a Videodisc. I remember talking to Zack before he did it and being very interested to picture what atomic number 2 came dormie with. It couldn't have been worse."

In answer to a followup question on if Irons meant the Snyder Cut couldn't be worse than Justice League, the actor replied: "I don't think it could have been, could it?" Then, when Variety's interviewer said they thought the theatrical film was "dreadful," Irons agreed: "Healthy, thusly did I."

Atomic number 2's not the exclusively Justice Conference actor to comment happening the film lately, either. Ben Affleck, World Health Organization played Batman in the movie, latterly same: "It clean was the worst experience. IT was awful. It was everything that I didn't like about this. That became the moment where I said, 'I'm not doing this anymore.' It's not even well-nig, like, Justice League was so bad. Because information technology could own been anything."

Zack Snyder's Justice League streams on HBO Max. If you'Re in the mood for a super-movie marathon, check out our pass around to watching DC movies in order.

I'm a self-employed Entertainment Writer Hera at GamesRadar+, covering all things film and TV for our Total Film and SFX sections. I antecedently worked on the Disney magazines team at Direct Media, and also wrote on the CBeebies, MEGA!, and Virtuoso Wars Galaxy titles afterward acquiring my BA in English.


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